The Institute for Advanced Learning and Research
The Institute for Advanced Learning and Research (IALR) engages the resources of Virginia Tech, Danville Community College, Averett University, and other partners to grow innovation and stimulate economic opportunity. The Analytical Chemistry group offers elite testing services and the Advanced Materials team provides cutting-edge characterization and processing capabilities. IALR proudly promotes sustainable solutions for enhanced agricultural production around the globe with the Plant Endophyte Research Center and access to a live bacteria library with over 2,000 endophytes. Most recently, IALR has partnered with the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Virginia Tech to launch a Controlled Environment Agriculture Innovation Center on IALR’s campus. The Center will leverage technology and research to accelerate advancements, economic development, and regional participation in the developing industry of indoor farming, which is expected to exceed $4 billion this year. The IALR campus also hosts offices for the Virginia Cooperative Extension.